February 24, 2008

Current News

-Obama is definitely on a roll now leading Clinton in response to a string of victories. The delegate race is still close between Obama (1319) and Clinton (1250) to the coveted 2025. Super Tuesday II is coming on March 4 and will inevitably carve the path in each race.

-The Republican race has for a while now been mathematically over but we still see Huckabee on the ballot. If you didn't get to see Saturday Night Live last night, Huckabee was a guest and he actually made fun of himself at his current stance in the race. I thought the funniest part was when he stated that he still had a chance in the race because he could still earn superdelegates. But if you are an educated person about the current election it is clear that he will never earn a single superdelegate because the Republican Party race doesn't have them. I really like that Huckabee is being McCain's fly in this race, but he will be dropping out after McCain secures the Republican bid on March 4.

-With the Wisconsin primary now over I know that many of you have seen a barrage of advertisements for Obama and Hillary. I am very surprised with the successfulness of both candidates’ advertisements. The two advertisements below are the two most successful and talked about.

Barack Obama

This Obama ad is extremely successful due to the fact that he actually instills you with the sense that he can change the world.

Hillary Clinton

This is by far my most favorite political advertisement I have ever seen. It is very successful because you don't actually realize that it is a political advertisement until half way through it. It hooks blue-collar workers into the advertisement and then they will keep watching the advertisement and figure out what she believes.

-If you haven't already heard, Ralph Nader entered the presidential election today as an independent. Nader definitely played a large role in the 2000 election and many Democratic Party members are lashing out at his choice to join this year's election. Nader took many of the votes away Al Gore that would have inevitably propelled him to President instead of George Bush. Nader stated in the 2000 election that he ran because there wasn't much of a difference between George Bush and Al Gore, which looking back 8 years he was completely wrong. Although this is the case Nader should not make too much of a difference in this election. He took 2.7 percent of the popular vote in 2000, but only 0.4 percent in 2004. In 2000 Nader stressed views that weren't stressed by the other two candidates such as lobbying and corporate influence in the government, which have since been picked up by Obama. If Obama wins the Democratic bid Nader will not be much of a distraction to the Democratic Party as he holds the views that Nader shows his uniqueness. Nader is in this election hoping that Clinton will win the bid and in effect taking many of the Democratic Party voters that are Obama enthusiasts.

-Florida and Michigan were recently disenfranchised of the Democratic race due to their illegal action of moving up their primary dates. Both states were stripped of the delegates won by Hillary Clinton. Clinton is now pitching that since she won these delegates she should be granted with them. Barack Obama wasn’t even on the ballot for Michigan. The Democratic Party definitely hopes that they choose a candidate before the election reaches the convention or this action of the two states could end up in a big mess.

-The Democratic election is definitely heading into a very hostile state. There have been many attacks on Obama from McCain and Clinton that he is all about words and not saying much about his policies he believes in. Also Clinton is attacking him for the false Mailers that were sent out to Texas and Ohio citizens. Clinton must attack Obama in their next debate to have a greater chance of winning in the next staes. She definitely will be aided when the media gets into these attacks on Obama. She really can't win much without the media on her side attacking with all the momentum Obama currently has.

-I can't wait until March 4. If we see Hillary get back into this race with wins in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania there will be so much confusion in the Democratic Party. It is said that if this happens there will be a Democratic paid election in Florida and Michigan to make up for the originally thrown out delegates for these two states. If Clinton doesn't sweep these states the race is inevitably over and we will see Obama earn the bid for the Democratic Party.


Adam said...

"-Florida and Michigan were recently disenfranchised of the Democratic race due to their illegal action of moving up their primary dates. Both states were stripped of the delegates won by Hillary Clinton. Clinton is now pitching that since she won these delegates she should be granted with them. Barack Obama wasn’t even on the ballot for Michigan. The Democratic Party definitely hopes that they choose a candidate before the election reaches the convention or this action of the two states could end up in a big mess."

Just to be clear - they were actually stripped of delegates last year, before the primaries. All candidates agreed not to campaign in the states. HRC's campaign manager, who is now calling for the delegates to be seated, actually voted for the delegates to be stripped before HRC won.
I personally think that Michigan and Florida should either (A) reschedule their primaries or (B) have their delegates seated after a candidate is chosen.

You can't / shouldn't change the rules midstream. It gives elections a taint and I think if a candidate won because of that would leave more than a hint of bad taste in people's mouths.

BadgerBuddy said...

Did you know that you can sign up on NCAA.com to watch all the games for free on your computer this year? You better hurry, there are only a limited number of free "passes" as they are calling them!

graingerworker said...

So I'm a little confused as to how this works and mabey someone can clear this up for me,
Since Nader is running as an independant does that mean he will not have to do primaries? If that is the case, why can't just anyone get on the ballot?

nikki said...

Have you seen Barack's video with John Legend, the guy from the black eyed peas, and Scarlet Johansen? IT is a pretty cool ad too, although I don't think it was done specifically by the Obama campaign.